Welcome to the Chautauqua United Church of Christ Society, an open and affirming community, a place of hospitality and welcome.
Located alongside the amphitheater at the very center of Chautauqua, we welcome all people regardless of faith, race, or sexual orientation. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome at the
Chautauqua United Church of Christ Society!
The offering of extravagant hospitality to all who enter the doors, sit on the porches, and/or linger by the gardens of our Society houses...
The creation of a community atmosphere of inclusion of all...
The support for and creation of opportunities for intellectual and spiritual growth within our houses...
The offering of affordable housing in a family environment...and...
The extension of an invitation to all people to share in the Chautauqua experience, no matter who they are or where they are on their faith or spiritual journey.
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