Chautauqua season begins in June for the summer 2024!
Can you help us get our buildings ready? There are many chores to be
done. The dates for work weekends this spring are May 31-June 2 and
June 13-16. We start Thursday evenings and go through Sunday. As
Warren Thomas always said, “Come when you can and leave when you
must.” Join our social time June 13 at 7:00pm. Help get the buildings ready
Friday, June 16 and join us for pizza at 5:30. Stay Saturday and Sunday to
continue helping - wash dishes, dust, make beds, weed the gardens - all
the chores will be listed for you to choose from. We typically go out to eat
together Saturday night. And if you want to stay on for Week Zero to
continue helping, (the week before any programming begins) then by all
means, stay with us for free that week as well.
Many folks tell us that they look forward to the time, making new friends or
deepening relationships with those who work alongside of you.
Thanks for helping us be able to offer affordable housing. We hope to see
you then! For more information on work weekends email our Facilities
Manager, Curt Ackley ( or our Board chair, Sue
Peterson (